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‘Predator’ producer wonders what’s next for ‘Prey’

A producer on the 1987 Schwarzenegger sci-fi action classic, John Davis gave his thoughts on what could be next for 'Prey.'

via 20th Century Studios

Prey has done the impossible by revitalizing a dormant Predator franchise that many fans thought had already seen its best days. John Davis, who worked on the 1987 original that sparked the enduring pop culture phenomenon, heaped praise on the latest addition to the franchise. 

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Speaking with Variety, he said:

“Dan [Trachtenberg] did a terrific job. This movie is his imagination. This movie was his idea. People just need a fresh reinterpretation of this franchise from time to time. And if they have it, it will survive 100 years.”

With Prey impressing streaming audiences worldwide, what’s next for the Feral Predator? 

“Well, maybe there’s an origin story, right? Maybe there’s another Alien vs. Predator story in a different situation. And maybe there’s a new modern-day version. And maybe there’s something somewhere in between. I think this character can show up throughout history.”

For 35 years, Predator has ranked among the all-time sci-fi and horror classics. While more action and thrills than legitimate scares, the movie featured one of the most iconic monsters of all time. At the time, the seven-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger ruled the box office, flexing his way to cinema glory throughout the 1980s and into the ‘90s. Pairing him with the amazing creature was destined for box office gold.

“The alien is an iconic creature. A comic monster, if you will,” Davis told Variety. “Monster movies get made again and again and again and again. Look how many Dracula movies have been made. Or the Wolf Man. I mean, you can go through these iconic monsters or creatures. Once you establish them, people know them, understand the mythology of them and want to see them again in different situations. And I think both ‘Alien’ and ‘Predator’ on the 20th Century Fox side are their most mythic monsters. These are 20th Century Fox’s most mythic creatures.”

Besides appearing in one of the most quotable films ever made, the Predator itself has inspired comic books, video games, action figures, and it is a staple of any cosplay competition worth its weight in neon Yautja blood. Then the franchise lost its steam with dreadful entries until Prey breathed new life into the Predator. Now, fans are anxiously awaiting what is next on Trachtenberg’s agenda.