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Payday: The Heist Re-Schedules Its Robbery Attempt

Tell your crew that the date of your heist has been moved. Through the use of a press release, Sony announced that its downloadable title, Payday: The Heist, has been moved from its scheduled release date. It was to be released on PSN and PC this very day, but will instead be positioned for download "later in October."

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Tell your crew that the date of your heist has been moved.

Through the use of a press release, Sony announced that its downloadable title, Payday: The Heist, has been moved from its scheduled release date. It was to be released on PSN and PC this very day, but will instead be positioned for download “later in October.”

You may recall that Payday was part of the PlayStation PLAY promotion. Gamers who purchased every game released under the special’s name were told they’d receive a free PSN download of the first-person robbery title when it became available. That offer still stands, so there’s no need to worry.

Here’s a snippet from the official press release, explaining this move:

“…this delay is a move to ensure players and fans of [the publisher’s] promise and vision to produce high-caliber games that deliver the best quality game experience.”