What started as a manga has become a successful anime series with two seasons and a newly announced sequel movie. The Quintessential Quintuplets follows second-year student Futaro Uesugi as he tutors his classmates, the beautiful and stubborn Nakano quintuplets. It’s a romantic comedy, so you can only imagine the hijinks and stunts that ensue as the girls discover feelings for their tutor. But who will Futaro end up with? That’s the question the audience must ask themselves while watching and trying to figure it out before the reveal.
The official website for The Quintessential Quintuplets: The Movie recently announced that the sequel movie will premiere on May 20th, along with a preview video:
The show has two seasons, both of which have English dubs Funimation aired in a simuldub fashion. The manga series wrapped in 2020, and it’s assumed that the movie will wrap up the anime arc and finally tell audiences which sister, if any, Futaro ends up with.
Along with a sneak peek, a second poster was also released. Fans of the show are getting fed with new clips and pictures until the long-awaited premiere of the sequel movie.
You can catch up on the series on Crunchyroll.com or Funimation and watch it subbed or dubbed, whatever fits your fancy. The long-awaited ending will air on May 20th, 2022, although we don’t know when or if an English dub is coming.