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Miserly ‘Star Wars’ supporters already trying to drown out the hype for an upcoming show

The complain train is leaving the station.

Star Wars Skeleton Crew logo
Image via Lucasfilm

Today, the Star Wars franchise is in a sorry state with respect to its fandom. Every project sees a group with way too much time on their hands nitpicking it and nagging those involved for not catering to their whims, and now, hate is hitting the Skeleton Crew hype.

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While the above post on Reddit for the announced, but presently unreleased Disney Plus show set to star Jude Law at least has a few upvotes as of this story’s filing, several have less than glowing pre-assessments in the replies. Some users are saying as so little is publicly known, they cannot have any expectations — and for one fan, as the show is about a group of children lost in the Star Wars galaxy, it likely came about due to demographic information and not an actual desire to tell a good and different story in the series.

byu/Hip_Hop_Pirate from discussion

Of course, what can happen with a final product can vary wildly. Before the sequels released, some had faith they would live up to expectations while Rogue One: A Star Wars Story would be a misfire and, depending on who you talk to now, the opposite is the case. Later in the discourse, this argument crops up with respect to earlier Disney Plus work and one says, ultimately, you cannot judge a book by its cover, nor can you knock something before it is out there and available for you to go and try out as well.

byu/Hip_Hop_Pirate from discussion

For the topic’s originator, none of the arguments in favor of giving the work a fair shake moved their mind. In a response to another, they say the franchise about space wizards and laser guns is not catering to adults to the proper extent, and this is bad.

byu/Hip_Hop_Pirate from discussion

Skeleton Crew is scheduled for Disney Plus at some point later this year. It is set to exist in-universe at the same time as The Mandalorian.