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Marvel’s newest most powerful character has every reason to resent Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel

Could these two characters face off in the near future?

captain marvel
Photo via Marvel Studios

Warning: This article contains spoilers for the Secret Invasion finale.

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The finale of Secret Invasion blew Captain Marvel out of the water in terms of power levels, and now G’iah might be fixing to use those powers against the original OP queen, Carol Danvers.

A theory shared by a fan on Reddit points out that Danvers promised to find the Skrulls a new home at the end of Captain Marvel. If you watched Secret Invasion, then you know that never happened. Not only that, but Danvers didn’t seem too concerned with finding a home for the Skrulls (neither did Nick Fury for that matter) after all — it’s been 30 years, and we know there are plenty of habitable planets in the MCU that could have been used.

The fan went on to ask if G’iah perhaps held a grudge against Captain Marvel for failing to fulfill her promise. Could this possibly all be building up to a showdown between the two?

“This could be a a thing in the future. Captain Marvel was supposed to help find the skrulls a planet 30 years ago and it didn’t happen. Now G’iah has her powers and it could be an interesting storyline. Certainly looked like she enjoyed using those the most.”

She definitely made good use of Danvers’ powers, using them to blast a hole through Gravik at the end of their battle. Fans agreed that it would make sense for the Skrulls and G’iah to be mad at Captain Marvel.

“technically speaking the Skrulls should be more mad at Carol than Fury because Carol actually has the ability to find them a home, not Nick. […] I really hate how Secret Invasion just excluded Carol and made it seem like she isn’t relevant to the story when she is the one who even introduced Skrulls to Earth.”

G’iah seeking revenge against Danvers does sound like a logical progression of the story. To see such a battle play out on-screen might be really cool, which is exactly why Marvel probably won’t use that storyline. Predictably, it will be swept under the rug and completely forgotten by the next time we see G’iah (that is if we ever see her again).

“I doubt it. Her father revered Carol. If they were to fight, I imagine it would be a Clint/Yelena type thing where they quickly get over it and bond over shared loss.

But I don’t see that happening either.”

A story such as this would require a lot of coordination between projects, something that Marvel seems to have forgotten how to do. It’s clear that the creators of Secret Invasion didn’t really think about how G’iah and her powers would affect the MCU, she’s just too powerful. If she does return in a later story, they’ll have to reduce her powers somehow in order to make it a fair fight.