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Luke Evans still hasn’t given up on ‘Beauty and the Beast’ spinoff series

The project will get there, slowly but surely.

Luke Evans on Gaston and Le Fou
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Be still, our Beauty and the Beast-loving hearts; Luke Evans is sharing news that will have you singing and dancing, twirling about in your kitchen with the tableware, and flexing your best Gaston muscles in the mirror.

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A Beauty and the Beast spinoff featuring Evans’ Gaston and Josh Gad as his best friend, Le Fou, is still happening — even if it’s not going to hit Disney Plus in the immediate future.

Evans plays the villainous and quite arrogant Gaston in the live-action Beauty and the Beast, and he does so with a gusto and zest, unlike anyone else. Gaston believed himself to be overwhelmingly charming, and with a best friend who thought he hung the moon and stars, he quickly became a character who never saw an error in his ways.

Gaston and LeFou certainly knew how to have fun, though, so when fans heard that a series focusing on their hijinks was in the works, they were immediately thrilled. While Evans didn’t exactly give us the release date of our dreams, he did say that it’s something they’re still very passionate about pursuing.

Speaking to EW, Evans explained the project’s “hold” status.

“It’s been put on hold. We just wanna make sure that it is absolutely the best it can be, and if that means we just have to wait a little longer to finesse certain pieces of it, then that’s what we’re going to do because this is a very important legacy. We want to honor these characters with the best story we can possibly deliver. It’s just on hold. It is gonna happen. We’re very excited about it. At some point in the near future, it will happen.”

Of course, he also gave a bit more to fans as to what they should expect when the series does debut, and it’s going to be a hilarious deep dive into their relationship and everyone that ties into their journey.

“We came up with the idea of, what would it be like to delve into the past of Gaston and LeFou, and how they met, and who they were, and why they became the people that we meet in the movie that we all know and love? That opened up several cans of worms. To navigate a story of those two people and also new characters, and then bring them right up to the moment where you meet them in the movie has been a thrilling experience. There’s a lot of ways it could go. So that’s where we have been so far and where we hopefully will go to in the future.”

Villainous or not, Gaston is a character that fans can’t get enough of, so we’re anxiously anticipating the arrival of the series. Until then, fans can see Evans as Gaston in the live-action Beauty and the Beast on Disney Plus.