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First L.A. Noire DLC Revealed

The first DLC for LA Noire has been revealed through Best Buy's latest flyer. As seen above, the first 16 customers to buy the game at one of their midnight launches will receive a code to unlock the Nicholson Electroplating Arson Case when it releases.

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The first DLC for L.A. Noire has been revealed through Best Buy’s latest flyer. As seen above, the first 16 customers to buy the game at one of their midnight launches will receive a code to unlock the Nicholson Electroplating Arson Case when it releases.

No announcements have been made about when it will be available to either the lucky few who got the codes or the general public. As of now, we don’t even know the details of the pack but Rockstar has traditionally delivered on all its DLC so we shouldn’t expect anything less than strong DLC for the game, and I’m sure this is just the first of many pieces of DLC that we’ll be seeing.

We’ll keep you posted as more details about the DLC are released.