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Just four words from Nick Fury is enough to reignite ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ crossover rumors for ‘Secret Invasion’

A recent clip from 'Secret Invasion' has Nick Fury uttering four words that have sent Twitter into a tizzy over a possible crossover.

Secret Invasion Nick Fury
Photo via Disney Plus/Marvel Studios

A recent clip from the upcoming Secret Invasion series has left Marvel fans on the edge of their seat for a certain crossover to happen. Despite being a part of the MCU we haven’t really seen the events from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. enter into the mainstream franchise, but after these four words were uttered by Nick Fury in the clip, we could see the much-desired crossover happen.

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was technically the first MCU television show, running for seven seasons from 2013, after the events of Avengers and Iron Man 3, to 2020. The show introduced us to some of the members that make up S.H.I.E.L.D. with a revived Agent Coulson at the head of an elite task force.

One of the main recurring characters was Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen), a S.H.I.E.L.D. soldier and skilled martial artist, so revered for her combat and field knowledge that she was given the nickname, The Cavalry. It is this nickname that has everyone so excited as the clip from Secret Invasion sees Fury say “Cavalry’s on its way.”

Now, this is a term that is used more broadly than just the MCU, the expression means that you are expecting backup and a strong backup at that. Fury could be referring to the fact he is expecting backup in general, but the specific use of this term here has led many to believe that “The Cavalry” Melinda May herself is going to be making an entrance in Secret Invasion.

After seeing the clip posted on Twitter fans are getting hyped for the possibility of a crossover.

Many are hoping that wanting it enough will make it happen.

For some, the news is just a nice way to brighten their day.

Though this could simply be a coincidence (Marvel wouldn’t mess with us like that… would they?) fans can hold onto this becoming a reality.

Some are living on the fine line between reality vs. dreaming.

This user doesn’t even care about the series, they just want more Wen!

For some, they think this is just a baiting tactic though.

There has been nothing confirmed by Marvel, and, as we said before, this is a common expression used to state you have some backup on the way, but we really, really want this to be true. It could possibly open the door for more Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. actors to make their way into the mainstream MCU.