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Is Spencer Herron out of prison?

The disgraced "Teacher of the Year" and his current whereabouts

Image via Hulu YouTube

Spencer Herron went from being “Teacher of the Year” to publicly disgraced, seemingly overnight. However, the story behind Herron’s fall from grace went back years and was multilayered. The true Spencer Herron was capable of lies, deception, and manipulation that those who knew him best never would have imagined. While Herron ended up in prison, many felt the sentence didn’t fit the crime, and that Herron never expressed true remorse or even understanding of the far-reaching consequences of his actions. Those he hurt expressed concern over his release date, feeling he was still very much a danger to society. So we decided to do a little digging to see where exactly Herron is now.

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Spencer Herron, then 48, was the “cool” teacher at Kell High School in Cobb County, Georgia. Head of the video production department and voted Teacher of the Year, he was exceptionally close to his students, yet no one would have believed how damaging the effects of those relationships would be. Rumors began to surface around Herron’s alarmingly close relationships with his students, and it turned out, they weren’t just rumors. On June 1st, 2018 Herron was arrested for having sexual relations with a student. Yet the arrest was just the beginning.

Betrayal-The Perfect Husband’

By all outward appearances, Herron had been happily married to his wife, TV producer Jenifer Faison, for over seven years. The two had dated in college but eventually parted ways on amicable terms. Herron went on and married someone else, but following his divorce he and Jen reconnected, and it was love at first sight — well, again. The two began dating and quickly got married. They bought a wine bar while both holding down full-time jobs and successful careers. Their lives were full and thriving until one day it all came crashing down.

When Herron was arrested for assault on a student, his wife decided to do some digging. She found that not only had Herron been intimate with one of his own students, he had been intimate with dozens of women throughout their marriage, 60 known affairs to be exact. He had even cheated on her the week of their wedding. His e-mail and phone were full of messages and pictures from other women — and some of the women he had ongoing relationships with for years. The wine bar, as it turned out, he had used as his own personal brothel of sorts, a way to meet and be intimate with women without his wife knowing. It came out that he had even been with escorts and sex workers, and when Jenifer got herself tested, she discovered she had contracted chlamydia from Spencer. Jen’s entire world went up in smoke. The saga was captured on the podcast Betrayal, and in the Hulu documentary Betrayal: The Perfect Husband.

As even more layers of who the real Spencer Herron was unfolded, another horrible truth was revealed. It turned out that the student he had assaulted, identified as “Rachel,” wasn’t alone. At least two other students came forward and accused Herron of similar offenses. Other students reported that while no actual assault occurred with them, they did experience predatory and intrusive behavior on his part. Several of the adult women Herron had relationships and encounters with similarly reported his behavior as pushy, aggressive, and manipulative.

Herron’s release date

Spencer Herron was arrested on June 1st, 2018, and charged with six counts of sexual assault against students. He pled guilty, and was sentenced to six years in prison and 15 on probation including registering as a sex offender and following certain conditions, including no association with minors. Herron was taken to prison and released in the summer of 2022. He is registered as a sex offender and for probation in Gwinnett County, Georgia.

Concern for Herron’s return to society remains. While there are strict conditions surrounding his probation and sex offender status, Herron’s previous acts went undetected for years. He also revealed to his now ex-wife Jen, during a recorded call from prison, that when he was released, he intended to “fly under the radar.” … A terrifying sentiment, coming from a registered sex offender.

So yes, Spencer Herron is officially released. The verdict on his supposed rehabilitation and ability to re-integrate into society, however, is still out. Check out the documentary detailing all of his despicable deeds on Hulu.