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Interview: Brian Pulido Talks His Life, Career And Lady Death

We Got This Covered sits down with Brian Pulido to talk about his life, career and, of course, Lady Death. Check it out!

Brian Pulido Interview

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I wanted to ask you this, because in any industry or moments in life you have to face challenges and potential defeats. I know this firsthand as well. When something occurs like say Chaos Comics going under, what did you at that point? Did you immediately attempt to move forward or do you allow it to plague you as a defeat for a short time? How do you cope with those situations in the early years?

Brian Pulido: When it comes to the fall of Chaos Comics it felt like the ultimate failure. A lot of people had faith in me, and I felt like I failed all of the artists, vendors, everyone in my camp at the time. It was devastating and it took about four and half months later for me to come to, so to speak. I accepted responsibility that it happened on my watch. As far as the characters entering other people’s hands, it’s another matter. The creations of the characters are deeply personal, I don’t like what they have done with them. I don’t like looking at them or reading them, and frankly, there are a ton of talented people who have s*** the bed, in my opinion.

I don’t know if the characters are meant to be written by other people. It’s like having a child grow up and they are no longer part of you. There is a degree of pain and reconciliation, but that’s life. On the same token, I have looked the other way, and I believe in my team enough and I am creating a new dynasty.

After going through the trials and pitfalls of a career, when do you and Francisca decide to build Coffin Comics, and what was that goal in the beginning?

Brian Pulido: Strangely and oddly enough it was an actual process. We settled our lawsuit on October 8, 2014 and immediately asked each other what we were going to do? I knew that I was going to get in the game and that the name of a company had to have a vibe. I knew that I wanted to stay in the realm of rock and roll, supernatural books, and I wanted people to say that name and know what we were about. So I came up with Coffin Comics.

As far as the publishing side, I decided to go through Kickstarter as a tool. In February 2015 I raised the first Kickstarter and it was extremely successful for us. It was a great idea that continued many times that year, and we absolutely love that ability. We have no issues with it, and the fans seems to love it as well.

When you decided that Lady Death works once again be the pinnacle of Coffin, did you have an origin story already in mind or did that come a bit later during company production? I know as a fan that you kept a lot of the original arc, but there were obviously a few modern tweaks, right?

Brian Pulido: Actually, I basically started with her origin from the Chaos Comics universe. However, the other characters aren’t part of this new world, so maybe one day those stories can be told. With Lady Death in Coffin, she wakes up after a twenty year slumber and goes back to work. Part of what we are doing is peeling back the layers of what has changed and what has happened.

As a music fan, I gravitate toward bands that never change but still have a fanbase, AC/DC, Slayer, Iron Maiden, and Megadeth. So, when I returned to Lady Death I put her right back in unchanged. I haven’t changed her look, she is exactly what I want her to be. Has she evolved, has she learned things? Absolutely. But under my care she will always be what fans remember her as for years.

The other thing that is really great is that even in this latest tide in culture and political correctness a lot of women are passionate about her. And she is accepted, and there is always a strength attached to her.

Brian Pulido: Well, I have been married for many years, I was raised by my mom, I have always had strong women in my life, so that definitely reflects in the work. Lady Death has always been known to use sex as a weapon, but she is smart and strong. Anyone can enjoy her, but she is a fantasy based character, in no way is she ever political. You can relate to her cunning, strength, and her prowess, and if someone can’t then I understand that too.

Aside from Lady Death, what other characters is your favorite and would you want to one day continue that story as well?

Brian Pulido: I realize that there are characters that embody those of the past, and I wouldn’t mind showing people that energy again. When it comes to the character of Evil Ernie whom I love and adore, he had a gleeful, insane over the top energy, and I am happy to tell you that I have created male characters with his energy. There is a strange formula to him and he stands unique.

With the massive desire for female fronted stories and the massive success of comic book films in recent years, has there ever been talk of a Lady Death feature, and if it happened who would you want to play her?

Brian Pulido: I’ll say this. I think comic books have a long history of consistency, and I always saw that with television as opposed to feature films. I have to keep this in gloved terms, but our company has teamed up with producers…

Is this bombshell news?

Brian Pulido: It is sort of bombshell, but let me just say this. We have established producers on a television show that will go out for the new pitch season. We have writers and producers, and this is something that we have been working out for about a year. It is going out soon. And I can cast whoever I want? I would like Jennifer Lawrence because she’s a top draw. Amber Heard comes to mind. Names change all of the time, but I want someone who has Lady Death’s look and energy. As far as television, I can’t really say, but know that we are soon moving along with a pitch for an R-rated television series.

Wow, that’s awesome news.

Brian Pulido: The real bombshell news is taking the Lady Death mythology and setting it in the present. It’s super exciting to me to take the old mythology and set it now. Heaven and Hell exist, but it would be set in 2018. It still takes place in Hell and is the character you know and love.

Brian, once again, thank you for doing this with me, brother. And congratulations on everything. I have been Sworn since 1994, and will be until the day I die.

Brian Pulido: Thank you, brother. This was great and I appreciate all of the love and support.

Be sure to pick up a copy of the latest edition of Lady Death, entitled Apocalyptic Abyss, along with many variants, sets, and awesome incentives over at Kickstarter.