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I find it weird that rich person Gabrielle Union struggles with ‘scarcity mindset’

I am struggling mightily to locate my sympathy.

Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic

“Going Dutch” isn’t just for poor people anymore. Multi-millionaires and power couple Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union do something a lot of couples in college do: Split the bills down the middle. Who knew they were so relatable?

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Union recently appeared on the podcast Black Millionaires and made some waves when she said “In this household, we split everything fifty-fifty,” per People. Union said it’s a mentality of scarcity, despite her being one of the wealthiest Americans around.

“But in the other households that each of us have to support, there’s always this like, gorilla on your back, that’s like, ‘You better work, b****, you better work. Oh, you’re going to sleep in?’ You know, somebody might not eat. It’s hard. It’s hard to let that go. So I’m working on that.” …Maybe just look at your bank account?

Is that the key to being rich? Pretend you’re still poor? That sounds exhausting. If a rich movie star can’t relax about money, how is the common person supposed to? Union said even when she has a new movie coming out, she worries about being able to cover all her bills.

“I struggle with that, still,” she said on the pod. “I think I just have more responsibilities for my money. I get nervous like, ‘Oh God, that movie didn’t open you know what does that mean? Do I – Am I … Am I going to have enough to hold everybody up?'”

I’m having some trouble eliciting sympathy for a multimillionaire who’s worried that her movie didn’t open to expectations. Scarcity mindset?? Wade has $170 million. If she’s so worried about scarcity, maybe she should donate to some charities or something to assuage her guilt.

This “hustle” mindset, that human beings have to work incredibly hard so they can afford things made by other people who just want to be rich, is a cyclical sickness. A millionaire grousing about not having enough money, and shaming others for not working “hard enough,” is gross.

Money does not make you a well-adjusted person, at least not by what we’re seeing from Union. Also, I should add that I wouldn’t know what it’s like to be rich. What’s Union going to say next? That she cuts coupons? Last year the couple sold a house in Los Angeles for $5.7 million. Excuse me while I sob for Union’s scarcity mindset. Poor, unfortunate Gabrielle Union. I’m sorry you have to work so hard.