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‘I felt like I was in a Tommy Bahama store’: Ryan Gosling shares the special deal Margot Robbie made for him to play Ken in ‘Barbie’

You can probably imagine what that looked like.

Photo via Warner Bros. Pictures

Although Barbie star Margot Robbie has admitted she didn’t grow up playing with the famous Mattel doll, there’s no doubting her commitment to the film. Her production company, Lucky Chap, was one of the key driving forces behind getting it made, with Robbie allegedly personally speaking to several folks to make sure the project happened, and was the best it could be. And, in a recent interview with the outlet Extra, her co-star and Ken actor Ryan Gosling confirmed just how persuasive the aussie Once Upon a Time in…Hollywood star was in getting him to play the part of the famous doll’s companion.

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Robbie has stated many times on the whirlwind, worldwide Barbie press tour that she thought Gosling simply had the best “Kenergy” of the actors she knew, and therefore was first choice among those who were making the film. However, she admitted that she had to get creative when it came to luring him into the part, utilizing bribery to cement his agreement to play the role:

“Ryan was our dream choice for this role. I said, ‘I will give you a present every single day if you come do this movie,’ and I think that was the deal clincher.”

And, thankfully, the Notebook star took her up on the offer, which is how we’ve ended up with what seems like it’s going to be a fantastic (yet surprisingly deep) film that’s suitable for most of the family. And it wasn’t just the star playing the part of the famous doll who was dousing her co-star in tributes. Gosling was just as complimentary of his castmate’s ability to get things going, and made a reference to an upcoming Ocean’s Eleven prequel in which Gosling will act and Robbie will produce, stating “Margot’s like the real Danny Ocean putting those heists, aka films, together.” Quite the pat on the back, then.

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So just what gifts did Robbie lavish on her co-star – a multi-millionaire actor who could undoubtedly buy almost anything he wanted (or get one of his many superfans to send along for free)? The Aussie used all that Barbie magic to keep him happy, making sure there was plenty of variety between the presents too, but while also ensuring that everything remained on-brand for the set they were working on — something Gosling was keen to point out when asked what he received:

“Puka shells. Beach-related things, horse mats, sports books. I would go to my trailer [and] I felt like I was in a Tommy Bahama store after a while.”

Tommy Bahama is a famous casualwear brand that has a focus on a beachy aesthetic.

Robbie didn’t just think of her co-star’s needs when buying his gifts, though. As an involved and talented producer, she knew about Gosling’s home life, which meant she was highly aware of the fact he had daughters who might want some gifts too. Speaking about Gosling’s kids, she said:

“Sometimes I was wrapping a present and I was like, ‘I want this,’ then I realized it was definitely going to his daughters and then it had renewed purpose. I was like, ‘What are they going to like?’ So there were some more stickers.”

Gosling then jokingly added that he “kept the stickers” instead of passing them along, which we think falls under the definition of “kenergy.” However, that concept is still a little in the air, despite Gosling’s attempts to define it:

“There’s very little known about Kenergy. We don’t have the funding for the research. We know that its real. In my case, it came on like a rash and it turned into a tan. And then suddenly you’re shaving your legs and bleaching your hair. And you’re wearing bespoke neon Rollerblades, so I don’t know.”

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Gosling has been receiving a lot of love for the upcoming part, whether it be compliments about the male doll’s moment in the spotlight, or a bemused reaction to his increasingly hilarious quotes and puns on the worldwide press tour for the new film that indicate he might have gone a little too method. So, it seems that Robbie was right when she claimed he had the best “kenergy.” Let’s just hope it all lives up to the hype.

Barbie is directed by Greta Gerwig, and will be released on Friday July 21.