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Horror fans wonder when an all-time classic stopped being scary

Scary movies that were made years ago may not scare moviegoers now, which is a debate that has caused a stir about one particular film.

Image via Hoya Productions

Are horror movies of yesterday as scary as they are today? Fans are chiming in. To answer that question, there are many factors from what films were allowed to do years ago compared to what they are capable of doing now.

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This conversation started with BatimadosAnos60 on Reddit asking a simple question after watching The Exorcist for the second time. Widely regarded as the scariest movie ever made, is the film outdated or has it stood the test of time? It comes down to the viewer, but there were some very good points from a wide range of horror fans.

The Exorcist was a film that came out in 1973 when there were different rules for filmmaking. Linda Blair played the part of Regan, a girl who becomes possessed by demons. She physically changes in appearance and spews some of the most foul things out of her mouth, not just words but also vomit. Her actions are sadistic, especially the part where she uses a crucifix to ***spoiler***!

Anyway, the film pushed the limits in 1973, and that’s why it’s such a cult classic. Would it scare moviegoers of today? Filmmakers have the ability to use such things as CGI and also, there’s a rating system in place that can direct movie goers to Disney, or Netflix, or even Pornhub, for that matter. Viewers have more information now and can view what they feel comfortable with.

byu/BatimadosAnos60 from discussion

Horror fans like to act like something didn’t scare them because they’ve seen it all. Deep down inside, they know the graphics and the psyche of the film touched them in some way. It’s a good thing to grow up and realize that The Exorcist had it. What IT is, filmmakers of today can only try to capture. The innocence of the audience at the time of early filmmaking was ripe for gripping the senses. Today, desensitization plays a big part in what a film has to do to really scare a viewer.

byu/BatimadosAnos60 from discussion

Of course, horror fans have different perspectives based on who they are. A CEO will get scared over the loss of money or business. A shoe salesperson will find fear over the lack of feet. Parents will always know the feeling of being terrified when their children are in danger. This is what The Exorcist brings to the table. Regan is a child, and the demons don’t discriminate based on age, so her mother is petrified about what’s going on with her child. That digs deep with any parent.

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A movie that can touch your soul and grip your psyche will always be scary. The Exorcist captivated millions of fans years ago because the idea of it was beyond anyone’s imagination. That idea is still playing today, so the answer is obviously that The Exorcist is still scary, at least the idea of it, that is.