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The 8 Best Moments From The Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Trailer

After a shorter teaser trailer landed a few weeks back, we now have our first proper look at Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 thanks to a brand new preview that dropped last night. Full of banter, Baby Groot and space monsters - all set to the soundtrack of The Sweet's "Fox on the Run" - the trailer promises that the sequel will be just as fun as we had hoped.

1) It Didn’t Give Us Any Plot Details

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This one might sound odd. Surely we want to what the movie is actually about before we go see it, right? Well, yes and no. On the one hand, as fans, we want to know all the information we can. On the other, many movies – comic book ones, in particular – are spoiling more and more about their contents through pre-publicity in an effort to sell tickets.

While it might work, it does mean that the experience of seeing it for the first time in the cinema is affected. With a movie like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2it’s best to focus on the action and tone and leave the plot for us to enjoy when we finally get to see the whole movie. Thankfully, this is something that Gunn and his team clearly understand.

Here’s what the director had to say on how they put together the trailers:

“With Guardians, people really go through every single little shot and try to figure out what the movie’s about. And there’s a lot of mysteries in Guardians 2. We were talking about how much to give away — and we’re not going to give away very much. With Guardians, it’s such an emotional and physical journey, going to all these different places. It’s like, ‘God, do I really want to show this planet we go to in the middle of the movie? Those are always hard choices to make.”

So even though this new preview didn’t give us any glimpse of Kurt Russell’s Ego the Living Planet or Sylvester Stallone’s mystery role or who the main threat of the film will be, we couldn’t care less. It recaptures the winning tone of the original and leaves us hungry for more footage – exactly what a trailer should do.

Roll on May 5th!