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George Takei ‘proud and grateful’ for President Joe Biden’s surprise Ukraine visit

This isn't the first time Takei has shown support for Ukraine.

George Takei
Joe Maher/Getty Images

Actor and social justice advocate George Takei was one of many people who were surprised by the news of President Joe Biden’s visit to Kiev on Monday, four days before the first anniversary of the beginning of Russia’s war on Ukraine. He was also one of the many who were happy to see the commander-in-chief of the United States make this gesture of solidarity, which Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, described as “unprecedented in modern times,” according to The Guardian.

On Monday afternoon, Takei took to Twitter to offer kind words to the president and support for the Ukrainian people:

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Takei, who’s currently starring in a theatrical production of Allegiance at London’s Charing Cross Theatre, began his message by saying how “proud of and grateful for” the president he was. He concluded by tweet-shouting “Slava Ukraini!” — the battle cry of the Ukrainian armed forces, which in English translates to “Glory to Ukraine!” — alongside a blue and yellow symbol of the Ukrainian flag.

This isn’t the first time Takei has shared his support for Ukraine on social media. In June 2022, he hinted at a way the U.S. could help the underarmed country defend itself and reduce the number of assault weapons on American soil:

And in October of last year, he suggested that a likely outcome of the Russia-Ukraine conflict might be that “Ukraine defeats Russia, takes back all its territory, and forces all the invaders back across the border.” He then imagined that people who “don’t want more madness and death” will be the ones to topple Russian President Vladimir Putin:

After much consideration, we think that standing alongside those who don’t want more madness and death is a pretty all right place to be.