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Exclusive: ‘The Good Nurse’ star Alix West Lefler talks true crime and working with Jessica Chastain

Lefler shines as Alex in 'The Good Nurse'.

Alix West Lefler
Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images

Netflix just debuted The Good Nurse, a brand new thriller chronicling the life and crimes of Charles Cullen, and the heroic story of his close friend turned would-be detective Amy Loughren. The film is an emotional watch, and while Cullen is the villain, the focus in this one is on the hero.

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For those unfamiliar with Cullen’s story, he is a serial killer who confessed to the murders of 40 patients in his 16-year stint as a nurse in the New Jersey area. While 29 of his confessed crimes were confirmed, it’s been said that he could be responsible for hundreds of deaths Eddie Redmayne and Jessica Chastain star as Cullen and Loughren, and we see the talented Alix West Lefler take on the role of the latter’s daughter, Alex.

Alex isn’t just the apple of her mother’s eye, though; she serves as a sounding board for her as Amy uncovers the devious actions of her co-worker and friend Charlie. Of course, true crime fans know Cullen’s story well, and Lefler notes that she also became familiar with his life so that she could understand the weight of the story.

We Got This Covered spoke with Lefler about her upcoming projects, The Good Nurse, and her layered history as an actress already. Finding her passion at age seven means she’s already experienced several roles in entertainment, but she’s still just getting started.


We read your bio, and you have already led such an exciting and adventure-filled life! What has been your favorite part of all the traveling you’ve been able to do?

I’d say my favorite part of traveling so far has to be meeting new people and getting to explore new places. I love listening to different accents and hearing stories about the history of the land and learning about different cultures.

You discovered your passion for acting at a very young age, starting at age seven. Do you remember how it felt to book your first gig? 

I do remember booking my first acting job, which was Siren, and just jumping into my mom’s arms because I was so happy. I had done my original audition for the role and then had a callback, and then I had a water test, which was to see how good I was at swimming and how comfortable I was in the water. So there was a lot of excitement leading up to my getting the role. I also knew I was going to play a character that could change into a mermaid, which was super cool.

In addition to acting, we hear that you enjoy logger sports competitions, which your parents are also actively involved in. For anyone unfamiliar with logger sports, what do you do in them, and what’s it like building friendships within the sport?

I used to love doing logger sports with my family and traveled around competing with them or just going to my dad’s lumberjack shows and watching or jumping in a daddy/daughter show. Logger sports is basically a few different events like you see on tv. I used to compete in log rolling and axe throwing.

I started throwing axes when I was four years old, but it was a foam axe at first, and then I started throwing hatches, which only have one blade on them, and then my dad made me a custom-built, double-bitted axe that I use now. I don’t compete in logger sports anymore or perform in the shows as my passion is now acting, but I’ll throw the axe and do some log rolling in the backyard with mom and dad in the summer when I’m not away filming.

Logger sports is kinda a small group, so everyone knows everyone, and it’s been fun growing up with all the kids that run around at the competitions. I don’t get to see everyone that often anymore because when Covid hit, live entertainment stopped. Luckily the filming industry kept going, so I put all my focus on that.

Where is your favorite place to travel? What is a place you’ve learned the most from?

My favorite place to travel is New Zealand. My dad is a Kiwi, and my mom is a Canadian, so I’m what I call a ‘Caniwi”. We used to go back and forth and perform lumberjack shows there, but I haven’t been there for a while now. New Zealand is beautiful, and the people are awesome. I’ve learned a lot about the culture and history of New Zealand through my dad, so I’d say of all my travels, I’ve learned the most there.

the good nurse
Cr. JoJo Whilden / Netflix

We loved you in Riverdale; what did you like most about playing Juniper?

Thank you, Riverdale has been a lot of fun over these last couple of years. My favorite part of playing Juniper was probably getting to go red! I loved having red hair, lol. I also really enjoyed playing Juniper because you never know what she is thinking or hiding under that sweet smile.  

What Riverdale cast member do you feel you learned the most from?

Well, I’d have to say that I learned the most from Cole. He also started acting when he was young, so he had a lot of really good advice for me. 

You’ve also acted in holiday films; we love a feel-good Christmas movie. Was the making of those movies as magical as it is to watch them?

They were fun, as everyone loves Christmas! The thing most people may not know about those Christmas movies is that they are usually filmed in summer. So it’s already really hot outside, and you are wearing a turtleneck sweater, tights, a jacket, scarf boots, and a toque (knit cap) with an ice pack or two stuffed down your shirt or pants to keep you cool. But everyone I worked with on those shows was so incredibly nice and just made it really fun.

The Good Nurse is a complicated true-crime-inspired movie that viewers can’t wait to watch. Did you know anything about the story before you signed on for the project?

What I knew about The Good Nurse before I started filming was that it is a true crime story, and the character I was playing is a real person who was a nurse who killed many people in hospitals. We looked up the story of Charlie Cullen and Amy Loughren, so I knew the weight of the project.

Working alongside Jessica Chastain must have been a treat; what was it like to get to play her onscreen daughter?

Working with Jessica was amazing. She is literally the nicest person. Getting to play her daughter will have to be one of my top film experiences. Before we even started filming, she invited me to Central Park for a picnic. She brought blankets, sandwiches, and cookies, and we just sat and talked for hours in the sunshine. It was my first time in New York and the best memory of it.

What was most surprising about working with Chastain and Eddie Redmayne? Did either of them give you advice about acting?

How fluid and easy it was to act with them. We all just fit together. I feel like we were all able to get into character right away from the moment Tobias first said action.

The role you play is important; as a daughter, you’re a sounding board for your mom and a character who will likely help her sort through her concerns and worries; how did you prepare to become Alex?

I prepared the role of playing Alex honestly by reading the script and understanding where Alex was coming from and what she would have felt. This is a bit hard to answer until the movie comes out, but I felt close to her right away.

After making this movie, would you do more true-crime projects? Is it something you’ve been interested in more after making The Good Nurse?

I would definitely do more true crime movies. I liked the challenge of taking on a real person, and I like mystery and shows with a darker edge.

the good nurse
Cr. JoJo Whilden / Netflix

You played the role of Hope in the series Siren. Sirens are a big part of mythology that many of us have loved. What was it like to get to interact with creatures that are so mystical and magical?

Working on Siren was one the best times of my life. It was the first show I had ever done, and getting transformed into a mermaid was incredible. It started with taking lessons on how to swim with a monofin with my eyes open underwater to getting fitted with crazy awesome sharp teeth prosthetics. All the actors in the show who were cast as merpeople were all incredibly beautiful, caring, loving people who made the whole show magical to be on. We had a saying on set with the dive team, ‘tank days, are the best days!’

You’re working on the upcoming Netflix series, My Life With the Walter Boys, where you’ll play Parker Walter. Having ten brothers, even just for a role, must be interesting. How did it feel when you read the premise for the series?

I LOVED working on My Life With the Walter Boys! At first, when I read the sides, I thought, oh my gosh, that is way too many boys, lol! But then I read the script, and I loved all the sides of Parker and her connection with her brothers. Also, meeting the cast and hanging out with them all over a five-month period was the best. I formed such close connections with all of them. In fact, I talk with the actor who played my little brother probably every other day.

Your character is described as “having a bit of a chip on her shoulder,” is that because you’ve got so many brothers, or is something more mysterious brewing under the surface? 

Well, I can’t say too much about the show as it hasn’t aired yet, but I would say part of the chip on my shoulder is due to another girl coming into the house and taking some of my character’s attention away. I love playing Parker, and I loved the cast and crew so much, so hopefully, the show will get picked up for another season.

How would you describe the upcoming series in three words without giving any spoilers?

Three words without any spoilers….read the book

You just walked the red carpet at TIFF for The Good Nurse; how would you describe that experience? 

Walking the red carpet at TIFF was incredible. The energy was amazing. My legs were shaking when I first walked out there and heard all the photographers saying to look this way or look in the back etc., but at the same time, it was just alive. When I got to come out again on the red carpet, Jessica held my hand the entire time and hugged me, and whispered to me, and it was so much fun! There is nothing like a Jessica hug; she just always makes me feel so good and supported. 

What advice would you give your fans and followers who might want to dive into acting but aren’t sure how or might feel like they’re too young?

I would tell people looking to get into acting to enroll in acting classes. Be around other kids that like to act. Join theatre, take singing classes or improvisation classes. Anything you can do that just get you doing what you love. I started acting when I was 7 1/2, and I feel like it was a perfect age. I know many kids start even younger, but it was just right for me. 

Last but not least, with a long career inevitably in your future, what kind of project would you like to take on next? Are there any genres of acting you feel pulled toward next?

I am actually currently filming an independent movie right now, and it is my first role as one of the lead actors. I am really enjoying the creative process of this film and the feeling of ‘we are all in this together!’ As for what genres I like, I enjoy more dramatic roles. A little comedy here and there is fun, but I like roles that are a little darker in tone. As for what’s up next? I’m looking for a part that stars alongside fellow Canadian Ryan Reynolds!

Here’s hoping Lefler’s dream of working with Reynolds comes true soon; we’d love to see them on screen together.

You can see The Good Nurse streaming now on Netflix, and it’s a can’t-miss for true crime fans, while you can check out our review here.