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DVBBS’ “24K” Is Fool’s Gold At Best

While most electronic music artists are trying to figure out how to differentiate their sound in the post-EDM landscape, DVBBS appear content to let their style regress into the mindless styles of yesteryear. The Canadian duo have uploaded a track titled "24K" to their SoundCloud account that brings nothing new to the conversation that is electronic music.

While most electronic music artists are trying to figure out how to differentiate their sound in the post-EDM landscape, DVBBS appear content to let their sound regress into the mindless styles of yesteryear. Case in point: The Canadian duo have uploaded a track titled “24K” to their SoundCloud account today that brings nothing new to the conversation.

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“24K” is a by-the-numbers trap song, complete with clichés like blaring trombones and a synth lead that sounds like dolphin noises. The one respectable part of the arrangement is the hardstyle bridge near the end, where the trombone is sampled and incorporated into the bass line.

Really, though, considering DVBBS’ penchant for enlisting the services of ghostwriters it’s hard to know how many of the creative decisions responsible for the track (if any) can be attributed to them. Being that it’s a night and day difference between “24K” and their last release, “Angel,” how can the duo’s fans even be sure what they’re supposed to sound like?

Since the tastes of electronic music fans have become as discerning as ever in 2016, DVBBS will soon discover that they have to bring more than tracks like “24K” to the table to stay relevant. Or at least, their ghostwriters will.