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Don’t want to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Werewolf ‘enthusiasts’ can help with an alternative

Try out this Hallmark holiday hack anyone can enjoy!

Werewolf by Night
Image via Marvel Studios/YouTube

Look. We’ve all had a traumatic experience in our lives that’s stuck with us. Maybe you flinch every time you hear the word “diet” because you were body-shamed into going to fat camp at age nine. Maybe you can’t watch a football game without crying because you saw a young man almost die on the field. Maybe just thinking about the word pool, which starts with P and that rhymes with T and that stands for Trump, sends you into conniptions.

And maybe you were that kid who celebrated the ides of February by holding an old-school mercury-filled thermometer up to a lightbulb to feign sickness so you could avoid being the only one in your class who never got a construction-paper heart adorned with glitter and a few gently used chocolate kisses. Well, my heartless friends — this one’s for you.

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Twitter user @WerewolfNews has graciously created a browser extension called Valentines for Werewolves that will magically replace any reference to “Valentine’s Day” with “Horny Werewolf Day.” The extension is fun, free, and compatible with Chrome and Firefox browsers.

While the extension isn’t new — it’s been around since 2018 — there’s a high likelihood that this may be the first you’re hearing about it. That is, unless you happen to be one of the not insignificant number of people worldwide who identify as a furry, which is loosely identified as someone who has an interest in anthropomorphized animals, i.e., animals with human characteristics.

And that’s all we’re going to say about that. Just remember, people: love is love. As long as it’s consensual, ain’t no shame in that game (unless that’s what you’re into).