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Diplo Says Jack Ü Is About To Release New Music

Jack Ü's 2016 festival season is off to a slow start as far as new releases are concerned. Diplo mentioned in an interview back in March that he would release new music through his side project with Skrillex around the time of Coachella, and the festival came and went with only a bizarre Kanye West appearance to show for it. Now, however, Diplo has taken to social media to tease the imminent release of new music.


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Jack Ü‘s 2016 festival season is off to a slow start as far as new releases are concerned. Diplo mentioned in an interview back in March that he would release new music through his side project with Skrillex around the time of Coachella, and after the festival came and went they only had a bizarre Kanye West appearance to show for it.

Now, however, Diplo has taken to social media to tease the imminent release of new music:


Skrillex and Diplo could be gearing up to release the Florence Welch collaboration that they’ve been working on since March, or a follow-up to their 2015 debut album could be in the works. Either way, the more hype they put out without delivering, the more music fans will think of them as the boy who cried wolf and stop hanging on their every word.

Nonetheless, if you’re excited to see what Jack Ü has in store then check back in the coming weeks for further announcements.