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Az-Bats Returns! 7 Bat-Terrific Moments From Detective Comics #962

Batwoman Crushes On Zatanna

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It’s brief, but Batwoman’s reaction to seeing Zatanna in action is priceless. After witnessing the Mistress of Magic take down Ascalon’s army in style, Kate Kane remarks, “I want to marry her.” While it ties in with the humor aspect of this issue (described on the previous page), it’s a moment worthy of being talked about again.

Zatanna is a heartbreaker, for sure, and she’s probably sitting at number one in our top comic book crushes of all time. So it’s good to see Tynion use this detail to full effect here and show us that it isn’t only the readers experiencing butterflies when they see the Princess of Prestidigitation being herself, but the heroes as well.

Unsurprisingly, Kate isn’t the only member of the Bat Family with a crush on Zee, either, as we’ve discovered the magician and Bruce have a bit of history over the course of this arc. If Bruce hadn’t popped the question to Selina recently, one has to wonder if this relationship could’ve been the next big romance in DC Comics. Batanna? That sounds like the perfect pair to us – even better than the new it couple in Dan Abnett’s Titans, Wally West and Donna Troy.