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An attempt to ratio James Gunn over outdated technology goes about as well as expected

James proves he's more than capable of dealing with trolls.

james gunn
Image via Warner Bros.

James Gunn, director, writer, and king of Twitter. His constant dealings with upset Snyder fans have made him pretty much bulletproof to the petty comments he frequently gets sent. One such comment was easily shot down by the Guardians of the Galaxy director.

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The troll was responding to a tweet made by Gunn about Zunes of all things. If you don’t know what a Zune is, that’s okay — I’ll be honest, I had to Google it. To save some time, Zunes were portable music players and Microsoft’s answer to the iPod. While they were discontinued in 2012, the iPod made it all the way to 2022 before being canned by Apple. Gunn’s post was innocent enough, it was simply a screenshot of Zunes trending on Twitter accompanied by a cry-laughing emoji.

One fan eagerly asked if the Marvel director owned a Zune himself, and if so, what music was on it. Gunn simply responded, “I have like 20 brown Zunes.” At this point, the troll decided to strike with an attempt to ratio the tweet — underneath Gunn’s response, they just wrote the word “Ratio.”

For those who don’t know when a post is “ratioed,” it typically means that a reply to a tweet has more likes than the original tweet. If someone comments that word under a tweet and they get more likes, then they win the ratio. What do they get for winning? Absolutely nothing — the person who commented can feel a little bit smug about themselves for a while and then probably just forget about it as quickly as the rest of the world forgot about the Zune.

Of course, a random nobody coming out of the cracks to fire a shot at Gunn was never going to end well for them. Not only were they unsuccessful in winning the ratio (they got one like — probably their own), but Gunn himself responded to the laughably bad attempt from the troll to win some internet points.

“Good luck with that.”

The simple reply pretty effectively shut down the troll. Ironically, Gunn’s reply actually won. Gunn’s supporters also called out the petty behavior and encouraged him to “ignore the haters.”

While there are still some adamant that Gunn is the devil himself and hellbent on destroying the DCU, most have learned to shut up and deal with it now. Especially after his stellar finale to the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy; he’s proven he’s capable of making solid movies, as well as ratio-ing the haters.