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An astute observation points out the MCU’s most triggering song post-Infinity Saga

It would bring back some pretty awful memories.

Image via Marvel

The people living in the MCU have been through a lot of trauma, and one particular Queen song may have been ruined forever thanks to the Snap.

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Avengers: Infinity War ended with half of the universe’s population turning into dust as they were wiped from existence by Thanos. Although they were eventually all brought back five years later, it was a pretty tough time for everybody left in the universe. Of course, it’s already hard enough without Freddie Mercury bringing those traumatic memories back with the hit song “Another one Bites the Dust.”

One fan on Reddit has clearly been thinking too much about life in the MCU, as they asked the question on the r/MarvelStudios subreddit. 

“Seriously I wonder if anyone could ever listen to that song after the snap without getting flashbacks to either being dusted or seeing a loved one get dusted. Makes me wonder if that song was ever banned in public places after IW and Endgame. Wonder if it will ever be brought back up cause it canonically exists in the MCU.”

The song’s lyrics fit all too well with what happened, so the original poster is probably right in saying that the song would have definitely given the listener flashbacks to the Blip. You can almost imagine the the horror of seeing loved ones turning to dust as Freddie sings, “and another gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust.” 

In fact, someone saw the connection way back when Infinity War hit theaters in 2018. They made a pretty dark, but also hilarious edit of the film’s final scenes accompanied with the iconic track.

As for what actually happened to this song in the MCU, fans were split over whether it would have been banned on radio. Examples of the same thing being done in the real world after traumatic events suggests that maybe “Another One Bites the Dust would have been banned in the MCU.”

“After 9/11, execs at radio stations owned by Clear Channel sent out a memo forbidding certain songs from being played (Dust in the Wind was one of them). I absolutely believe something similar would follow a snap-like event.”

However, other fans argued that the people of the MCU were pretty much resistant to being triggered, as demonstrated by the ice cream stand in Thor: Love and Thunder.

“I mean asgardians making an ice cream stands from the weapon that caused this event, I think people of MCU will do just fine.”

Judging by how the Snap has been presented so far, it’s safe to say that most people were swiftly able to recover. That’s probably down to Marvel wanting to re-establish the status quo and carry on with the next phase with little acknowledgement of what came before. But still, many were upset that we never got to see more of the effects of the snap.

Getting a little more information about what people were up to during the Blip would have been great, but all we really want to know is if people are still listening to “Another one Bites the Dust” in the MCU.