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The Amazing Spider-Man: New Screenshots And Box Art Images Drop

With just over three months to go until The Amazing Spider-Man swings onto our video game devices, we now have a first look at what might be the sandbox action game's official box art. Listings discovered on Amazon.com show large versions of the mentioned images, which we've supplied for your viewing pleasure. Its core design is your typical licensed game fare, with the titular character in one of his most iconic poses, but the overall look of the image is solid.

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With just over three months remaining until The Amazing Spider-Man swings its way onto our video game devices, we now have a first look at what might be the sandbox/action game’s official box art. Listings discovered on Amazon.com show large versions of the mentioned images, which we’ve supplied for your viewing pleasure. Its core design is your typical licensed game fare, with the titular character in one of his most iconic poses, but the overall look of the image is solid.

The popular retailer’s leak also unveiled something new about the title’s included mechanics. From the look of things, PlayStation Move support will be included. How it will fit into the experience is not known at this moment, but web-slinging using motion controls could be fun if it’s done well.

Although an early glimpse of the artwork we’ll see grace retail store shelves on June 26 is appreciated, the new screenshots that were revealed alongside the box shots are the highlight. Colour me impressed.

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