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The 8 Most Unlikeable Heroes In Comic Book Properties

Since the dawn of the comic books, we've been taught to love the heroes and hate the villains. It's the natural order of life, of course, where we should raise our saviors to the rafters and chastise the troublemakers for their evil doings. Good versus bad, and all that jazz.

Lobo (New 52)

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Wow. Talk about killing a popular character quicker than Joel Schumacher destroyed the Dark Knight and friends in Batman & Robin. From the Main Man to the Hated Man, New 52’s Lobo is possibly the most despised character in recent comic book history – and with good reason, too.

When the New 52 dropped, DC decided it was best to update Lobo’s look. However, this didn’t seem to be enough of a change, so they tweaked his personality as well. The ruthlessness was still there, but he was now cultured and well-educated – two things that we’d never known Lobo to be. Additionally, it didn’t help that the creators decided to reveal that his counterpart (the one we all knew and loved) was a Czarnian imposter and subsequently killed him off. Things didn’t get much better after that, either.

The New 52 Lobo only lasted 13 issues and we’re likely to never see that piece of crap again in our lifetime. Truly, this is a cause for a celebration because that Backstreet Boy-looking abomination nearly resulted in us giving up comic book reading for good. Thank goodness that someone at DC had the common sense to end it before it got even more embarrassing.

Tell us, are you a fan of any of these comic book heroes, or would you rather eat soap than put up with them? Let us know your thoughts and musings in the comments section!