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The 8 Most Unlikeable Heroes In Comic Book Properties

Since the dawn of the comic books, we've been taught to love the heroes and hate the villains. It's the natural order of life, of course, where we should raise our saviors to the rafters and chastise the troublemakers for their evil doings. Good versus bad, and all that jazz.

Felicity Smoak

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Ah, the sparkle in Oliver Queen’s eye. The dandelion amongst the green fields of television hackers. The smelly turd in all our slippers. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Felicity Smoak: the reason most viewers hate watching Arrow nowadays and would rather stare at a cup of cold coffee for 40 minutes.

If you ever need an example of a character that’s done a complete 180 in the popularity spectrum, look no further than this bespectacled blonde. Starting off as an endearing, intelligent, sassy hero who could hold her own against anyone, she has quickly degenerated into the whiny, damsel in distress who can’t function without Oli in her life. Truth be told, the writers’ treatment of her character borders on insulting at the best of times.

Sadly, it’s too late for Felicity to save herself from the throes of abhorrence. She’s gone too far beyond the point of no return, and everything she does normally results in an almighty sigh from the audience. It’s a pity because she used to be an entertaining protagonist, while now she’s merely exasperation.


X-Men, Cyclops,

The problem with Scott Summers is that he reminds you of that jock you went to school with. You know, the one who had great hair, big muscles, dated the hottest girl in the neighborhood, and felt like he’d been ordained by God to give you instructions on how to live your life. But secretly, no one liked him. Everyone thought he was a sanctimonious douche.

That’s Cyclops in a nutshell: a supreme douche. He’s normally arguing with teammates, Professor X, or the hotdog vendor, because he ALWAYS has to be right about something or the other. Then, if he doesn’t get his way, he sulks like a baby. Hell, Marvel missed out on the terrific opportunity to name him the Incredible Sulk.

Ever wonder why no one has begged for a Cyclops solo movie? Yeah, us neither. It’s pretty obvious that he’s one of the most unlikeable X-Men around and aggravates more than a wedgie on a hot summer day. Sorry, Scott, but you need an attitude adjustment (or an F5 from Brock Lesnar).