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The 8 Most Unlikeable Heroes In Comic Book Properties

Since the dawn of the comic books, we've been taught to love the heroes and hate the villains. It's the natural order of life, of course, where we should raise our saviors to the rafters and chastise the troublemakers for their evil doings. Good versus bad, and all that jazz.

Carl Grimes

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Carl Grimes could save an entire orphanage for a pack of rabid zombies, but he’d still remain the mild irritation between our butt cheeks. Somehow, someway, Carl – or Caaaarrrrrllll – finds a way to screw up in a major way, and it usually results in the death of someone (or several people) close to him. He’s a bit of bad luck charm, really.

Maybe it’s the fact that he’s constantly trying to prove himself to everyone around him and getting into a world of trouble as a result. Dude, we get it: you want to be a hero in the zombie apocalypse, but you gotta slow down for a second and think before you act. At the moment, you’re at the top of everyone’s deadpool simply because we’re hoping you’ll go next instead of one of our favorites (R.I.P. Glenn).

He’s resilient – we’ll give him that – but does anyone want to see Carl as the sole survivor when The Walking Dead inevitably comes to a close? Frankly, if Daryl or Michonne die before him, we’ll riot. And that’s a promise.