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8 Theories About How Watchmen Fits Into The DC Rebirth Universe

DC Comics received a lot of flak for Before Watchmen, a run of limited series books which filled in some of the blanks in the histories of those characters without the involvement of creator Alan Moore. However, the reaction to the reveal that the characters are now part of the DC Universe thanks to DC Rebirth has generated an awful lot of excitement amongst fans - and it's not hard to see why.

7) Superman Was Never Real

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The New 52 Superman always struggled to resonate with fans. More arrogant than his predecessor, he’d never had a romantic relationship with Lois Lane and the costume also often came under fire. Despite all of that, he was still the Man of Steel, and that made his sudden death a huge shock. Just like that, five years of adventures became pretty much meaningless as the Superman of another Earth (who we’ve since learned actually hails from the original DC Universe timeline) took his place.

Since then, a lot of very strange stuff has been happening with the hero and chances are that all of this will come to a head when the world of Watchmen collides with that of the Justice League. With that in mind, expect some sort of big reveal to occur in regards to The New 52 Superman, namely that he was never truly the real Man of Steel.

Will other heroes be replaced by their “doppelgangers” from the old DC Universe? It’s hard to say and a little headache inducing to think about, but stranger things have happened, so don’t rule it out just yet!