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10 Awesome Superheroes Without Superpowers

What makes a superhero a superhero? It's a difficult term to define as, while the majority of comic book heroes sport at least one superhuman ability of some kind, many don a cape or a cowl to fight crime without the aid of any sort of powers.

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6) Kick-Ass And Hit Girl

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When thinking of ordinary folks who took it upon themselves to be superheroes, the characters of Kick-Ass spring to mind pretty quickly. Most known for 2010’s outrageously R-rated movie from Matthew Vaughan, Kick-Ass was first a comic series from Mark Millar for Marvel’s Icon imprint.

It follows the titular Kick-Ass AKA high school geek Dave Lizewski, whose love of comic books inspires him to suit up and fight crime. Everyone’s favourite character, though, is Hit Girl – a highly-efficient vigilante who just happens to be a young pre-teen girl, having been trained for the job all her life by her father Big Daddy.

Technically, Kick-Ass does have a sort of special ability, though we wouldn’t call it a superpower – after a severe beating in his first attempt at playing superhero, he’s left with damaged nerve endings which leave him with delayed reactions to pain.