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10 Alternate Versions Of Superman You Need To Know About

We all know the basic tenets of Superman's character. He's the Last Son of Krypton, raised in Smallville, Kansas, works for the Daily Planet, loves Lois Lane, etc. Except sometimes, these things don't apply.

6) Superman, Darkseid’s Son

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Superman and Darkseid are bitter enemies, right? One is sworn to save the universe while the other wishes to rule it. As polar opposites, they could never be on the same side, right?

Wrong! In Superman: The Dark Side, one of the many alt-universe tales published under the DC Elseworlds banner, Kal-El’s pod crashes onto the planet Apokolips rather than Earth. As such, he’s raised as Darkseid’s son and becomes the head of the Apokoliptian army, clad in a special suit of armour which increases his abilities even more.

Without any of the compassion, conscience or humanity that defines our Superman, Darkseid’s Kal-El is a merciless mass murderer. However, is Superman’s heroism only due to his nurture rather than nature? Well, eventually he does turn against his evil lord and master – proving that, even in terrible conditions, Superman’s inherent goodness will eventually win out.