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Zedd And Selena Gomez Release Highly Anticipated Single I Want You To Know

After much teasing via social media, Zedd and Selena Gomez, or Zeddlena as they're more commonly known, have released their highly anticipated single, "I Want You To Know."

After much teasing via social media, Zedd and Selena Gomez, or Zeddlena as they’re more commonly known, have released their highly anticipated single, “I Want You To Know.”

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Radio friendly and primed for a top spot in the charts, the track is everything we expected it to be. Boasting the DJ’s impeccable production and Selena’s beautiful vocals, it’s definitely a catchy electro-pop tune. A synth beat and Selena’s familiar voice ease us into the song as it slowly builds to an unmistakable Zedd drop, which then transitions the track into a surefire main stage hit that bears a definite resemblance to some of Anton’s other music.

Admittedly, “I Want You To Know” may not be Zedd’s best work, and it may be a bit too pop-y for the more hardcore EDM fans, but it does do its job well and will no doubt bring a lot more mainstream attention to the producer. And, let’s face it, that’s probably the real purpose behind this collaboration. Anton is on the cusp of breaking into the mainstream, if he hasn’t already done so, and a song with Selena (following closely after one with Ariana Grande) will surely get him in front of the audience he’s going after.

Be sure to pick up a copy of “I Want You To Know” on iTunes and let us know what you think of Zedd and Selena Gomez’s collaboration in the comments section. Was it worth the wait? Sound off below!