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TJR Gives Major Lazer’s “Too Original” Even More Bounce

Amid a world of post-EDM producers scrambling to put out more cerebral music now that the main stage has garnered such a negative stigma, you kind of have to respect TJR for sticking to what he does best. Major Lazer's "Too Original" was already pretty festival friendly to begin with, but he's reinforced its Melbourne bounce influences even further in his new remix.

Amid a world of post-EDM producers scrambling to put out more cerebral music now that the main stage has garnered such a negative stigma, you kind of have to respect TJR for sticking to what he does best. Major Lazer’s “Too Original” was already pretty festival friendly to begin with, but he’s reinforced its Melbourne bounce influences even further in his new remix.

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The high-octane percussion of TJR’s remix of the track differentiates it from the original right off the bat. While much of the instrumentals and vocal samples of the source material are left relatively intact, springy synth work at the drop replaces its kazoo-like melody.

At the end of the day, we think it would just feel forced if TJR left the sinking ship that is EDM to start releasing, say, future bass tracks. Listen to his remix of Major Lazer’s “Too Original” above and make a trip down to the comments section to let us know if you agree.