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Martin Garrix To Release 7 Tracks In 7 Days For ADE

Martin Garrix has just announced that to coincide with this year's Amsterdam Dance Event, he will be releasing a whopping seven tracks in the span of seven days as a thank you to his fans. The new tunes will be released through his own STMPD RCRDS imprint with one song dropping each day for a week starting tomorrow, October 15.


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Martin Garrix has just announced that to coincide with this year’s Amsterdam Dance Event, he’ll be releasing a whopping seven tracks in the span of seven days as a thank you to his fans. The new tunes will be released through his own STMPD RCRDS imprint with one song dropping each day for a week starting tomorrow, October 15.

The collection of tracks will feature material previously heard heavily in Garrix’s DJ sets, including plenty of his most popular ID requests. There will also be a number of collaborations with other producers getting released, though at this point we don’t have any clue as to which artists will be featured. Additionally, each release will feature artwork painted by a variety of artists that serve as a visual interpretation of the music.

In a recent quote, Garrix commented that he wanted to do something special to thank his fans and expressed his excitement over the initiative.

Releasing these 7 tracks is my way of saying thank you for the ongoing support from my fans. I can’t say it enough.. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you guys! Hope you’ll enjoy each and every track that will be up uploaded the coming 7 days.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the first of the seven tracks to be released.