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Kanye West Announces He’s Running For President, Has Elon Musk’s Support

Just when you thought 2020 couldn't be any weirder or more bizarre, rapper Kanye West has now announced that he plans to run for President.

Kanye West

Between the coronavirus pandemic, widespread riots across the world following the death of George Floyd, an invasion of murder hornets and more, 2020 has been a pretty strange, depressing and difficult year. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any stranger or more bizarre, in steps Kanye West to send shockwaves throughout the country by announcing that he plans to run for president.

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Earlier this evening, the hip-hop star took to Twitter to announce that he intends to run for office. “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future,” West tweeted. “I am running for president of the United States.”

You can see his tweet down below:


Kanye West

But wait, there’s more! Elon Musk has already thrown his support behind Kanye, taking to Twitter shortly after the announcement to say the following:

Of course, this is far from the first time that West has teased his ambitions to work in the White House and get involved in politics, but it is the first time that he’s made a serious (or at least, it seems like he’s serious) declaration of his intention to run, and suffice it to say, the reactions online have been just as wild as you’d expect.

See below for just a sample of how folks are reacting to West’s earth-shattering announcement:







And there are a lot – and we do mean a lot – more reactions where those came from. Yes, West’s announcement has everyone talking and understandably so. And at this point, we can only wonder what else is going to happen before 2020 comes to an end.

Tell us, though, what do you think about Kanye West running for president? As always, drop a comment down below and watch this space for more.