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Exclusive Interview: Martin Garrix Talks New Label, Split With Spinnin’ And Ultra


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You recently climbed Mount Kilimanjaro – tell us about that.

Martin Garrix: It was one of those things that I came up with on a night I was partying with friends. I was just like “let’s do it!” When we got there though we were like “oh fuck we’re not prepared or trained for this” [laughs]. It was so difficult, but when we got to the top it was amazing. The first 6 days it rained, too, so we slept on wet mattresses. No toilets or showers either. It also fucks with your head quite a bit when you’re near the top and there’s not much oxygen. It was good doing it with friends though, because we all helped and motivated each other. The climb itself was rough, but reaching the top made it all worth it.

When will the new album be out?

Martin Garrix: Well in April I’ll probably finish selecting the songs for it. I think we have about 30 now and are hoping to go with 13 or 14 for the final version. And then I’ll just have to polish them up before we can release it. The first single just came out, “Now That I’ve Found You,” and the feedback has been amazing. It was the label’s first release and the response has blown me away. It’s great. I can’t wait to release more of my own music, and music from new talent on the label. And it won’t only be EDM. I want to sign rappers and bands as well.

When did you decide to start your own label?

Martin Garrix: I made the decision after I left Spinnin’. I wanted to have a label to not only release my own stuff, but to also give young talent a chance to release their music without signing away their life. I had a great time with Spinnin’, and the people I worked with were amazing, but the contract wasn’t really for me. It wasn’t what I wanted.

We tried to re-negotiate but they wouldn’t do it. And then they started bad mouthing me to the press, and at the moment I was just like “ok, I’m just going to do this myself.” I was young when I signed with them and I didn’t really know what I was signing. They basically owned everything I produced. I don’t want to get into it too much but for me as a producer, if I make music it’s like my baby, and I want to own it.

Now, with my own label, it doesn’t matter if I make any money. I don’t care. I’m re-investing it all back into the label. I’m just so excited to showcase to the world my own music and music I love to listen to myself. I can’t wait to release some of the stuff I’ve been getting from artists.

Who’s been your biggest inspiration and mentor so far?

Martin Garrix: Definitely Tiësto. Not only because of his music, but also because of how he is as a person. Way before “Animals,” he signed one of my first songs to Musical Freedom, it was called “Torrent.” He gives such great feedback as well, about music and life, everything. He’s been through it all. And he’s so humble and so supportive to me.

Have you taken on that mentor role to any new artists yet, and if so, is it weird for you to be in that position now?

Martin Garrix: Yeah, I’ve been working with Justin Mylo and Matisse & Sadko a lot. It’s definitely weird. It’s weird as fuck. Everything’s weird. I mean, I’m closing Ultra tomorrow [laughs]. A few years ago I was at Ultra in the crowd and now I’m closing main stage. It’s mind blowing. Like what the fuck [laughs].

You recently teased that you were in the studio with Ingrosso – do you have a track together?

Martin Garrix: You’ll find out at Ultra [laughs]. I’m back in the studio with Ingrosso and Axwell tomorrow actually. We’re finishing up a track. We’re not happy with the drop yet. I may play it at Ultra, we’ll see how much work we get done. But yeah, we’re working on something and I’m really excited about it.

Being so famous at such a young age, does it ever get to you?

Martin Garrix: If there’s ever a moment where I start feeling like that, I just put my phone down, disconnect and go chill with friends. For me, having a balance between work and personal life is very important. Like right now my mom is here in Miami, she came to watch the show. We had breakfast this morning, too. I need to have a balance in my life.

And again, my team is there to tell me when I’m doing something stupid. And I listen to them, because they care about me and want the best for me. They help with every move and every step I make. They have the balls to tell me when I’m not thinking right. Big shoutout to my team, and of course my family and friends.

That concludes our chat, but we’d like to thank Martin Garrix very much for his time and wish him the best of luck with everything!