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Aphex Twin Announces Cheetah EP In Typically Bizarre Fashion

In case you suspected that Aphex Twin's return to electronic music would prove but a flash in the pan, his most recent announcement proves otherwise. After winning the Grammy for Best Dance Album for his 2014 album Syro, the widely influential producer has revealed a new project in the works titled Cheetah EP.

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In case you suspected that Aphex Twin‘s return to electronic music would turn out to be a flash in the pan, his most recent announcement proves otherwise. After winning the Grammy for Best Dance Album for his 2014 album Syro, the widely influential producer has revealed a new project in the works titled Cheetah EP.

Where most of his recent releases (like last November’s “Avril Altdelay”) emerged via obscure SoundCloud accounts, Aphex Twin announced the Cheetah EP by sending print advertisements to a handful of UK record stores. The pamphlets give a subtle nod to the corporate logo mockery style adopted by electronic music brands of the ’90s by imitating literature that would accompany computer hardware of the same era.

An excerpt from the pamphlet reads:

The Aphex Twin Cheetah EP uses digital sound generation techniques combined with wave sequencing technology to bring you sounds with movement and depth rarely found on records today.

As of this writing, Aphex Twin has revealed no information about the Cheetah EP other than that it will come out through Warp Records. Now that the promotional gears are turning, however, expect to see tracks emerge in whatever interval leads up to its release.