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10 Sets That Will Show You A Different Side Of EDC Las Vegas

There are two kinds of people in the world: People who are going to Electric Daisy Carnival, and people who are everything that’s wrong with the world. No, not really, we’re just kidding… Kind of. Because if you’ve been going to these events, it honestly does sort of feel that way. No matter how emotionally bankrupt the electronic music scene has become over the years, you know how you felt the first time you danced under the electric sky - and you keep coming back year after year in hopes that you’ll feel a little of that same magic, even though times have changed so much.

5) Saeed Younan

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Saeed Younan’s blend of tribal, tech and deep house sub genres will give attendees who stumble upon his performance a taste of the playa at this year’s edition of EDC. Born in Iraq and raised in Washington D.C. for most of his life, Younan has traveled the world in order to accumulate all the elements of his transcendental sound, and you’ll be in for a real treat if you decide to check him out.

6) Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano

Examples of the more mainstream end of the spectrum, Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano have gradually found their names in the mouths of music fans worldwide for their anthemic big room house tracks.

If you stumble into their set you’ll likely hear their latest song, “Karusell,” which has proven a unique take on otherwise passé musical trends. And, we’d like to think that the duo will build upon that track’s popularity by finding more new ways to redefine the popular side of dance music, so their set will not be one to miss.