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Zoe Saldana Cast In Guardians Of The Galaxy

Casting is underway for Marvel's upcoming film Guardians of the Galaxy, set to be directed by James Gunn. We've already heard that Chris Pratt will play Star-Lord and that David Bautista will take on the role of Drax The Destroyer. Now today, we're receiving news from The Hollywood Reporter that actress Zoe Saldana will play Gamora in Marvel's Phase Two film.

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Casting is underway for Marvel’s upcoming film Guardians of the Galaxy, set to be directed by James Gunn. We’ve already heard that Chris Pratt will play Star-Lord and that David Bautista will take on the role of Drax The Destroyer.

Today, we’re receiving news from The Hollywood Reporter that actress Zoe Saldana will play Gamora in Marvel’s Phase Two film.

According to Wikipedia, Gamora is “the adopted daughter of the supervillain Thanos, and the last of her species. Her powers include superhuman strength and agility and an accelerated healing factor.” Seeing as she’s related to Thanos, the villain that appeared at the end of The Avengers (also rumoured to be in The Avengers 2), it’s a bit easier to see how everything will tie together in Phase Two.

To be honest, I’m not too familiar with the story behind the Guardians of the Galaxy series but the film does sound pretty interesting so far. Saldana is a solid actress, known for her work in Star Trek, Colombiana and of course, James Cameron’s Avatar. She may not be an A-list talent, but the way the casting has gone so far, it looks like Marvel isn’t too keen on bringing any huge names into this one, at least not yet.

Currently set for an August 1st, 2014 release, Guardians of the Galaxy will continue its casting in the coming months. Rumours point to Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler being pursued for a role but right now, nothing has been confirmed. Until it has, we’ll have to keep waiting until Marvel reveals the next piece of the puzzle in their upcoming film.

Tell us, what do you think of Zoe Saldana joining the film? Good casting choice? And who else would you like to see round out the cast? Let us know in the comments section below.