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Zack Snyder Says He’d Direct A Rick And Morty Movie

For the most part, you know exactly what you're going to get from a Zack Snyder movie. Chances are there's going to be a fantastic set of opening credits that set the stage through visual exposition, some elaborate world-building, plenty of eye-popping visuals and several standout action sequences. However, humor and levity often tends to be in short supply.


For the most part, you know exactly what you’re going to get from a Zack Snyder movie. Chances are, there’s going to be a fantastic set of opening credits that set the stage through visual exposition, some elaborate world-building, plenty of eye-popping visuals, and several standout action sequences. However, humor and levity often tends to be in short supply.

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The filmmaker’s time at the helm of the DCEU regularly saw his detractors using that self-serious tone and grim aesthetic as a stick to beat him over the head with, but when we did get Snyder’s characters dropping one-liners and quipping, the end result was Joss Whedon’s Justice League, so be careful what you wish for.

It’s hard to say whether Snyder actively avoids comedy or sidesteps laughs when they doesn’t fit the general tone he’s aiming for, although the latter would appear to be more likely considering he fought against Warner Bros. when they tried to lighten the tone of his comic book blockbusters. However, in a new interview he did admit that while a straightforward comic romp isn’t something on his immediate to-do list, he could see himself taking the reins for a feature-length version of Rick and Morty.

“I don’t have like a straight comedy that I can think, you know, that’s like wall to wall straight comedy. If I did the Rick and Morty movie that’s probably about the closest I’d get.”

Rick and Morty was recently renewed for 70 additional episodes, with the fifth season premiering just a couple of weeks ago, so there’s plenty of mileage left in the premise. As ridiculous as it sounds, it would be hilarious for Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon to end things with an epic movie directed by Zack Snyder, for no other reason than the fact it would fit the animated favorite’s irreverent tone down to a tee.