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Yet Another TV Spot For Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Beams Online

Jyn Erso throws her support behind the Rebel cause in the latest TV spot to emerge for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ahead of its December release.

It’s been a busy, busy day in the Rogue One camp. As Disney and Lucasfilm’s appropriately huge marketing campaign begins to reach its crescendo, fans have been treated to a hoard of new pictures and a really rather gorgeous banner image. Oh, and did we mention the electrifying final trailer (check it out below)?

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As if that wasn’t enough content to pour over, the House of Mouse has now premiered a new TV spot titled “Empire.” It’s the latest in a long line of Rogue One teasers, and though you’ll no doubt encounter some familiar footage peppered across the sizzle reel above, unless you’ve watched each and every snippet for Gareth Edwards’ actioner, chances are you’ll find something – a character exchange, sweeping shots of Scarif, K-2SO being sassy – to pique your interest.

In case you’re not up to speed, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story takes a throwaway line from A New Hope‘s opening crawl – during the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal plans to the Death Star – and expands it onto a blockbuster scale. That said, Gareth Edwards has made the conscious decision to shoot Rogue One as though it were a naturalistic war movie, replete with a gritty visual style. It’s all part of Disney’s strategy to distinguish its Star Wars anthology movies from the core episodes, and we couldn’t be more excited to see Edwards’ vision light up the big screen.

On December 16, Gareth Edwards will unleash Rogue One: A Star Wars Story into theaters. It’s the first Star Wars anthology movie to come out of the Mouse House – and the first Star Wars movie period to release without an opening crawl.