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10 Long-Delayed Sequels That Were Worth The Wait

10 Cloverfield Lane is no ordinary sequel. For starters, the film isn't really a direct follow-up to found-footage monster movie Cloverfield at all, but a project that - in the words of producer J.J. Abrams - simply shares the "DNA" of its predecessor. Another reason it's so different to the usual franchise movie? Unlike most, this sequel has arrived a whole eight years on from the original.

1) Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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Sequel to: Return of the Jedi

Time between movies: 32 years

OK, so there wasn’t quite a 32 year gap. There were fresh Star Wars movies – beginning with 1999’s The Phantom Menace, ending with 2005’s Revenge of the Sith – made just 16 years after Return of the Jedi. But who on Earth’s going to count those anymore now we have The Force Awakens, a movie which has in ten of its 135 minutes more ideas and creative spark than all the prequels put together.

With director JJ Abrams injecting energy and genuine affection back into the franchise after George Lucas’ tepid Episodes I-III, The Force Awakens was instantly well-received. Episode VII is a modernized summation of all that made the original Star Wars movies great, with new actors and special effects perfectly complementing the old styles. It’s family-orientated science fiction done right.