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WWE Star Wants To Play Darkseid In Justice League Snyder Cut

One of the many things fans are looking forward to the most about the long-awaited Snyder Cut of Justice League is the chance to finally see Darkseid appear in live-action. The character was heavily teased for a future appearance during Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice's Knightmare sequence, as well as a deleted scene featuring Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor.

Justice League New Gods Steppenwolf

One of the many things fans are looking forward to the most about the long-awaited Snyder Cut of Justice League is the chance to finally see Darkseid appear in live-action. The character was heavily teased for a future appearance during Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’s Knightmare sequence, as well as a deleted scene featuring Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor.

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Unfortunately, after the comic book blockbuster was essentially reworked from the ground up after Joss Whedon was brought on board to get the movie across the finish line following Zack Snyder’s departure, Darkseid was nowhere to be seen. Instead, we ended up with Steppenwolf, who turned out to be one of the worst and most forgettable villains that the genre had ever seen.

With the Snyder Cut officially in the works following two and a half years of relentless online campaigning, the director now finds himself under immense pressure to deliver a version of Justice League that lives up to the huge expectations that currently surround it. Not long after the big reveal, it was confirmed that Darkseid would play a major role in the re-edited movie, along with the news that actor Ray Porter would be reprising the role that was originally cut out of the theatrical release.

However, nobody seems to have told retired WWE star Mark Henry, who recently threw his hat into the ring to play the intergalactic antagonist during a recent interview, despite Porter already having been announced.

“Some of the comics were really really good, watching the fight scenes and in the comics with Darkseid and Superman, the stuff that they did was really damn impressive, and it wasn’t so outlandish that you couldn’t replicate it with humans. And with a little smoke and mirrors, and bells and whistles, it can be pretty damn impressive. I’d love to be Darkseid. As a matter of fact, I’m going to take this time right now, to say that I want to be Darkseid. Darkseid didn’t do much crying, Darkseid did a lot of a**-kicking.”

While the two-time Olympian is widely regarded as one of the greatest powerlifters that ever lived, and spent over 20 years in the squared circle billing himself as ‘The World’s Strongest Man,’ he’s a little too late to the party. With Ray Porter set for Justice League‘s Darkseid, it looks like the most prominent role of Henry’s acting career will continue to be his brief appearance in the cult classic MacGruber for a little while longer.