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The 13 Worst Horror Movies Of 2012

Alright, confession time - I never really WANT to write a "Worst Of" horror list because I try to find value in every horror movie, and it's always easy to pick on the weak. Making silly analogies, calling filmmakers out, trashing tacky performances, crapping all over nonsensical plots and even worse execution - it's simple child's play really. But, with that said, some films are so astoundingly underwhelming, so obviously terrible, so egotistically cocky, so downright atrocious, and so painfully time-wasting - I have no choice but to take action. I have nothing against the people involved or those trying to make endearing cinema, but a bad film is a bad film, end of story.

1. Area 407

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Directors: Dale Fabrigar/Everette Wallin

If you read my article on 2012’s Worst Horror Films So Far, you would understand there was no way Area 407 was losing its much deserved number one spot, even with films like The Devil Inside, The Apparition, and Airborne release this year. Nope, Area 407 held strong and left such a negative impression, I’m still having trouble shrugging off the whole tragic ordeal.

If you didn’t read my article though, understand these few details and you’ll know why this “found footage” train-wreck easy ousted all other competitors on my list.

Our two directors gathered up some actors with a lazy idea and no script, shot the film in five days, had actors ad-lib all their lines, and brutally bashed their film into a bloody, pulpy mess of tired, clichéd, and stereotypical “found footage” antics – and only the bad ones. No action happens on screen, the scale of our “monster” is never kept proportional throughout the movie, our characters are inconceivably unwatchable – I really can’t rant enough about this movie. Based on the lifeless ad-libbed dialogue alone there’s so much to hate, as our actors stumble helplessly through mood-killing lines, trying to yell over one another for screen time. Improvisation is one thing, but going into a film blind?

Area 407 not only deserves this slot, but also makes a phenomenal case to be the worst horror movie I’ve ever seen in my life. Hands down. No questions asked. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!

Least Favorite Poster Work Of 2012

A theatrical poster can say a lot about a film, standing as a visual aid that represents a snapshot of everything awesome you want to say about your creation. While these were once hand drawn and mocked up by actual artists, we’re now in a graphic arts age where Photoshop and other computer tools are used to crank out some pretty killer masterpieces. Then again, some posters come out like a cheap cut and past waste of garbage, showing the film in a very negative light. Bad posters can drive people away from a film for numerous reasons like poor execution, failure to reach all demographics, blandness, misrepresentation, or cheap duplication – but any way you cut it, it spells disaster. Here’s some of my least favorite poster art from 2012’s horror pool, and be sure to take note how many of these films ended up in my bottom 13. Coincidence? You decide.

Least Favorite Trailer Of 2012

Least favorite movie, least favorite trailer – seems logical, no? Well, on the surface yes, but I hate this trailer even more now after seeing the film. Why? Because it essentially is the movie. Every bit of “action” and every creature reveal is spoiled by this trailer, as Area 407 offers nothing more but off screen noises and garbage dialogue to fill in the massive blanks, and even they fall miserably short when not mashed together in a frantically cut trailer.

So horror fans, how did I do with my Worst Horror Movies Of 2012? Which films do you think I unfairly trashed on my list and which films do you think I left off? Opinions are opinions, and I’d love to hear yours as well! Feel free to let me know your least favorite horror films of the year in the Comments section!

*Please note some reviews have been linked to my old blog, as I hadn’t started writing for We Got This Covered when the films were released.