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Wonder Woman Reviews Call It The “Best DCEU Movie So Far”

Does Warner Bros. finally have a hit on their hands as far as DC Extended Universe movies go? It certainly seems that way. While full reviews for Wonder Woman are still under embargo, and will be for a few more weeks, the social media reactions are starting to pour in and it's almost unanimous: the critics absolutely love it. Though it's far from a perfect film, it sounds like Patty Jenkins' blockbuster is a huge hit and also the burgeoning cinematic universe's best effort to date.

Does Warner Bros. finally have a hit on their hands as far as DC Extended Universe movies go? It certainly seems that way. While full reviews for Wonder Woman are still under embargo, and will be for a few more weeks, the social media reactions are starting to pour in and it’s almost unanimous: the critics absolutely love it. Though it’s far from a perfect film, it sounds like Patty Jenkins’ blockbuster is a huge hit and also the burgeoning cinematic universe’s best effort to date.

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As you’ll see down below, most are in agreement that the Gal Gadot-led flick is a winner, with much praise being showered upon the film’s optimistic and hopeful tone, the chemistry between Gadot and co-star Chris Pine, the humor and more. All in all, it looks like it’s a definite winner and at the very least, it’s shaping up to be a whole lot better than both Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad. Of course, we’ll have to wait until the full reviews roll in until we can say that for sure, but the signs are certainly promising.

That being said, it’s important to caution that these reactions are coming from a very small group of critics who the studio chose to see Wonder Woman early and who have very close relationships with the folks over at Warner Bros. With that in mind, it’s highly unlikely that any of them would come out and bash the movie over social media. That’s not to say they’re being disingenuous, but just note that these opinions only represent a small portion of critics and an even smaller portion of the general population, so don’t go celebrating just yet.

Still, it’s hard not to be excited about what these reactions are saying and with just a few weeks to go now until Wonder Woman bursts into theatres, we’ll know soon enough if the critics are right.



