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Weekend Box Office – June 27,2010

The weekend box office has now wrapped up and the reports are in. For the most part, the totals are pretty disappointing as Hollywood can't seem to fight this summer slump. Fortunately, Toy Story 3 is making up for the other mediocre box office totals and once again has landed on top. Check out the top ten at the box office after the jump.

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The weekend box office has now wrapped up and the reports are in. For the most part, the totals are pretty disappointing as Hollywood can’t seem to fight this summer slump. Fortunately, Toy Story 3 is making up for the other mediocre box office totals and once again has landed on top. Check out the top ten at the box office after the jump.

1Toy Story 3– $59,000,000; $226,552,000

2. Grown Ups– $41,000,000; $41,000,000 (debut)

3. Knight & Day – $20,500,000; $27,789,000 (debut)

4. The Karate Kid– $15,400,000; $135,641,000

5. The A-Team – $6,000,000; $62,843,000

6. Get Him To the Greek – $3,010,000; $54,486,000

7. Shrek Forever After – $2,875,000; $229,313,000

8. Prince of Persia: The Sands Of Time– $2,801,000; $86,177,000

9. Killers – $2,000,000; $44,000,000

10. Jonah Hex – $1,600,000; $9,144,000

None of these are too shocking. Killers, Prince of Persia and Shrek Forever After are just hanging on and are probably about to slip off the top 10 very soon. Neither Prince or Shrek made as much as I had expected but neither were very good either.

Jonah Hex somehow managed to finish last place for the second week in a row, behind three films that have been out for some time now. Is it really that bad?

Get Him To The Greek seems to be criminally overlooked as it takes the sixth spot with a total of only $54 million. The film was absolutely hilarious and one of the funniest movies I’ve seen all year, I’m not sure why it isn’t making more money.

As expected, The A-Team and The Karate Kid would land beside each other again, fighting for the 4th and 5th spot. Mini Will seems to be winning the fight though as it keeps finishing ahead of testosterone filled outing that is The A-Team.

The two new releases this week, Knight and Day and Grown Ups finished in spots two and three as expected although Knight and Day pulled in a very low $27 million. This is very low considering the film opened on Wednesday giving it a head start and it stars Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. Can the low box office hull mean people are sick of Tom Cruise already? What could this mean for Mission Impossible 4?

And of course, Toy Story 3, finished in first which was no surprise to anyone. Pulling in a respectable $59 million to bring its two week total to $226 million.

So there you have it, that’s how Hollywood did at the box office this week.

Did you see any new movies this week?