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We Got Netflix Covered: Time Travel, Killer Aliens And Vincent Price!

This week on We Got Netflix Covered we've got time travel, aliens, Vincent Price and more!

Horror Pick – Almost Human (2013)

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While I don’t care that much for alien abduction fare, Almost Human is one of the few recent extraterrestrial films that managed to get me exited about a little probing and abducting. Writer/Director Joe Begos redefines the alien genre by mixing practical elements of 80s slasher flicks with an alien invasion that doesn’t waste time with measly green men. In short, Begos got me to stomach a genre I’m not fond of by hiding it, like when your mom used to cover your broccoli with melted cheese – damn genius!

The whole ordeal follows a pretty simple plot, as a body-snatched abductee goes on a murderous rampage after his alien captors plop him back on earth. Josh Ethier plays said hulking backwoods psychopath, a dominating force on camera that transforms into a soulless killing machine for director Joe Begos. Other characters start to notice the change in Ethier’s character, and after doing some investigating, decide they must thwart the possessive end-goal bestowed by his extraterrestrial rulers.

It sounds very silly, and I assure you it is at times, but Begos finds so much inspiration in a bevy of different places. Think Invasion Of The Body Snatchers meets John Carpenter’s The Thing – that doin’ anything for ya? It takes a lot to get me excited about alien horror movies, yet Almost Human slapped a grin on my face that not even the Joker could match.