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We Got Netflix Covered: Time Travel, Killer Aliens And Vincent Price!

This week on We Got Netflix Covered we've got time travel, aliens, Vincent Price and more!

Drama Pick – The Gift (2000)

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With Keanu Reeves toplining a genuinely good movie (John Wick) for the first time in a while, there’s no better time to look back at what other quality productions the admittedly hit-and-miss actor has popped up in. And out of all Netflix’s offerings that include the Matrix star, few are more eerily effective than 2000’s The Gift.

Starring Cate Blanchett as a fortune teller with extrasensory perception who becomes wrapped up in a gruesome murder investigation, The Gift is all about atmosphere-building in its swampy Southern setting. Director Sam Raimi really digs into the sweaty, grimy underbelly of rural Georgia, and the performers all go for realism in their portrayals of Southern stock figures. Reeves in particular stands out as the terrifying, abusive husband of one of the fortune teller’s clients.

The Gift is an intriguing, rarely-seen combination of drama and thriller, preferring to take time to deepen its characters before throwing them into a pressure cooker. Though it’s not a perfect film, and its conclusion leaves a little to be desired, it’s certainly worth a watch.