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We Got Netflix Covered: Deadly Baseball Games, Idris Elba And Cheerleaders…

Welcome back to our recurring recommendation article, We Got Netflix Covered, a place where numerous writers will be discussing their specific genre-based favorites that you can stream on Netflix Watch Instantly this very second. To prove we certainly do have this covered, we’ve developed a list of genres that we’ll be providing recommendations for every week – 11 total genres – and the writers responsible for each section have been established.

Comedy Pick: But I’m A Cheerleader (1999)

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Jamie Babbit’s queer indie gem, But I’m A Cheerleader, goofs its way through the coming out experience, or as Mary, the founder of the film’s “straight clinic” True Directions would put it – the realization that you might not be heterosexual.

The title spells out the oft-repeated mantra by our heroine, Megan (Natasha Lyonne), when confronted by her parents, friends and boyfriend during her lesbian intervention. She is oblivious to her obvious tendency towards women and shipped off to the above-mentioned centre, a place where a group of LGBT teens are set tasks and assignments in order to “graduate” as a bona fide heterosexual.

If it sounds pompous, it’s not. The entire schtick at True Directions is that the male camp counsellor, Mike (Rupaul), who describes himself as “ex-gay” struggles with his innate, inescapable homosexuality. Similarly, the rigid Mary (a never-better Cathy Moriarty) cashes in her best lines scalding her gay son Rock for behaving like “a sissy.” Yanking the curly straw from his juice, she throws it to the floor and demands that he chug it like a man! Think the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket crossed with a John Waters caricature.

Celebrating its fifteenth anniversary this year, the film still stands as a witty, hyperreal document that made gay icons of its two leading ladies, Natasha Lyonne and Clea Duvall, who plays the love interest for Megan. You know where it’s headed – it’s okay to be who you are, whether that’s gay or straight – and yet it’s still a very funny journey. The clutch of youngsters run themselves ragged trying to conform, while simultaneously experiencing the first joys of falling in love – which of course is strictly forbidden at True Directions. Cue the ex-ex-gays who roll up outside the camp at midnight to show the kids that the gay lifestyle ain’t that different from the straight one.

Without wanting to spoil it anymore, I’ll say it’s a sweet love story twinned with a moment usually absent in most LGBT cinema – when someone realizes they’re actually gay. A lighthearted approach to an issue, that despite the fall of DOMA and countless other anti-gay laws across the country, is still integral today. Just because you can get married, doesn’t mean it’s any easier telling your nearest and dearest. But I’m A Cheerleader’s message still harps out strong: be gay, it’s okay.

And if you’re really funny, too, that helps.

That’s it for today, but be sure to tune in next week though for another edition of We Got Netflix Covered! Also, be sure to leave a comment and let us know if you enjoyed any of these picks.