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WB Almost Set Man Of Steel In The Dark Knight Universe

Zack Snyder reveals that WB considered setting Man of Steel in The Dark Knight's universe, but ultimatedly decided against it.

Man of Steel

Henry Cavill was cast as Superman ten years ago, believe it or not, and it would be fair to say that the DCEU’s Big Blue Boy Scout has been severely underutilized in that time. Sure, Man of Steel launched the entire shared universe and brought in $668 million at the box office, but since then, it’s been a pretty rocky journey for Cavill’s hero.

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Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice attempted to straddle the line between being an MoS sequel and Batman reboot but didn’t really pull it off and failed to give Clark Kent much of a compelling arc, and he fared even worse in Joss Whedon’s Justice League – though he was at least somewhat redeemed in the HBO Max version.

Where Cavill will go from here as the iconic DC Comics character – if anywhere – remains to be seen, but Zack Snyder has now revealed that at one point, WB considered setting Man of Steel in the same universe as The Dark Knight trilogy. Speaking on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, he said the following:

“It was not 100 percent off the table. We did talk about it a little bit.”

Obviously, the studio ended up going in a completely different direction and though the DCEU has been plagued by inconsistency and fan backlash, it was probably still the right decision in the end. Besides, things seem to be getting onto more stable ground now, though the calls to #RestoreTheSnyderVerse continue to rumble on in the background, and will likely do so for some time.

But tell us, would you have liked to see Man of Steel be set in The Dark Knight universe? Or are you happy that it wasn’t? Let us know in the comments section down below.