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Watch: The Batman Trailer Now Available In Glorious 4K

If you’re reading this, by now you’ve probably seen The Batman's teaser trailer. I imagine you would’ve watched it in any state that you could find it in, just as long as it was the real deal. Well, courtesy of Matt Reeves, you can now do a lot better. The director has uploaded a version of the teaser to Vimeo in glorious 4K and it's of course made its way over to YouTube, with the Ultra HD copy being available up above for your viewing pleasure.

If you’re reading this, by now you’ve probably seen The Batman‘s teaser trailer. I imagine you would’ve watched it in any state that you could find it in, just as long as it was the real deal. Well, courtesy of Matt Reeves, you can now do a lot better. The director has uploaded a version of the teaser to Vimeo in glorious 4K and it’s of course made its way over to YouTube, with the Ultra HD copy being available up above for your viewing pleasure.

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Now, returning if I may to the subject of 4K (wasn’t that smooth?), there’s a matter of pedanticism to attend to. I can’t give you the most high-tech explanation for this caveat, as I’m really not a tech-y person. But I have relatives who very much are, and some of it has evidently bled through. Other tech-head readers are advised to skip the following passage of stating the obvious.

You see, you can watch the trailer in 4K, but only if you also have a 4K screen. If you’re watching it on a 1080p monitor, the video will be downscaled to 1080p. That said, no matter what screen you have, this is the best presentation of it you’ll be able to find – a result of 4 times as much information being compressed into 1080 pixels.

Like I said, I ain’t no geek, so if I’ve made a fool of myself, you’re welcome to correct me in the comments section. From my untrained eye, Matt Reeves’ Vimeo upload of The Batman looks pretty darn good. And if you have the luxury of a 4K screen, it’ll now look even better.