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Watch: Amityville Uprising Introduces Zombies Into The Amityville Franchise

The latest entry into the Amityville franchise places its characters in the midst of a terrifying acid rainstorm.

A trailer for Lionsgate’s upcoming entry into the surprisingly large Amityville Haunting franchise just hit YouTube.

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The trailer for Amityville Uprising teases a story that combines the classic horror tropes typically seen in Amityville offerings with the immensely popular zombie trope. The madness that the entire franchise is based around looks to take a backseat to the more culturally relevant zombies, however, setting the film up to be either a middle-of-the-pack disappointment or a surprise gem.

The one-minute 30-second trailer hints toward a new take on the zombie virus story and does not appear to share any continuity with previous Amityville releases. In the latest Amityville story, a zombie virus will be delivered to the residents of Amityville Village via acid rainfall. That’s right, no crazed chimps or mysterious viruses here, just a very dangerous storm. 

The “highly toxic” acid rain appears to be the delivery system for an immensely contagious curse, which transforms all of those that come into contact with it into half-melted zombies. The trailer hints toward the speed with which the curse can pass from person to person, setting the scene for an archetypal virus movie filled with plenty of character deaths. 

Starring Scott C. Roe, Mike Ferguson, Tank Jones, and Kelly Lynn Reiter, Amityville Uprising is available on DVD and in digital form.